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Das Geheimnis, WoO 145

Wiener-Moden-Zeitung und Zeitschrift für Kunst, schöne Literatur und Theater, Erster Jahrgang, 77 issues in two volumes, containing the first edition of Beethoven’s song “Das Geheimnis,” WoO 145. 47 steel-engraved plates of which 43 colored in a contemporary hand, 4 folding plate of engraved music.Vienna: Anton Strauss, 1816.
Item Information
Material Type
First edition
Record Number
WoO 145
Auction Information
Auction House
Sotheby's (London)
Lot Number
Bibliographical Reference
Notes auction index 1996-2005
Date of Sale
Sold to
Pricing Information
Estimate Price
700-900 GBP
Sale Price
920 GBP
Sale Price in U.S Currency
Hammer Price
800 GBP