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Off-Campus Access to Online Resources

Off-Campus Access to Online Resources

You'll need to log in to OneSearch using your Tower ID to access all of the resources available. 

When you click Sign In in the upper right corner of the OneSearch screen, you will see a screen that looks like this. Select Student and employee login and log in using your Tower ID and your SJSUOne password.

OneSearch login screen

Accessing the databases from off campus: 

When you try to access the library's databases from off campus, you will see a screen that looks like this. Click on the SJSU Student and Employee Login button and log in using your Tower ID and SJSUOne password.  Contact the Electronic Resources Coordinator if a database doesn't work, a journal link is broken, etc.

Access Off-Campus Resources log in screen

See Affiliated Instructor FAQs [PDF] for information on Affiliated Instructor access questions.

Expiration of SJSU Library privileges

Students will lose access to SJSU materials (checking out physical items, remote access of electronic resources when not in MLK Library) beginning 30 days after their last enrolled term.  

Employees separating from the university (voluntary/involuntary termination, retirement) will lose access beginning on their official date of separation from SJSU.

If you have an account with San José Public Library, you can Request a OneSearch Account using your SJPL library card number and PIN to check out physical items from the SJSU Library collection.  

Faculty and staff granted emeritus status will not lose access to library privileges.