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Piano concerto no. 1, op. 15

Concerto 1, Opus 15. Leipzig: Peters, no date Lot contained first ed. of Opus 61 score and early editions of Opus 15 (Peters); Opus 1, no. 1 (Peters); Opus 20, score (Peters), Opus 69 (B & H), Opus 2, no. 1 (André); Opus 27, no. 1 (Spehr); Opus 81a (Böhme); Opus 90 (Böhme); Ous 101 (Spehr); Opus 109-111 (T. Haslinger); Opus 22 (4 hands) (Cranz); and works by Schubert and Weber
Item Information
Material Type
Early edition
Record Number
Opus 15
Auction Information
Auction House
Sotheby's (London)
Lot Number
Bibliographical Reference
BJ auction index 1985-1995 (Collections 7)
Date of Sale
Pricing Information
Estimate Price
600-800 GBP
Sale Price
600 GBP
Sale Price in U.S Currency