Prélude pour le pianoforte, WoO 55. Vienna: Bureau des arts et d’industrie, [1805], price altered in ink from 18 xr to 30 xr.
Sold in collection of first and early editions of variations, including WoO 40 (f.e., Artaria); WoO 71 (f.e., Artaria); WoO 45 (f.e., Artaria); WoO 73 (f.e., Artaria); WoO 75, WoO 76, WoO 66, WoO 64, WoO 65, Opus 34, Opus 35 (early ed., Cappi), WoO 74 (f.e., Kunst und Industrie Comptoir); WoO 55 (f.e., Bureau d’Arts).