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Studies of fugue for Archduke Rudolph

Autograph manuscript, studies of fugue for Beethoven’s student Archduke Rudolph (undated). 4 leaves (7 written p.): p. 1-2 with text notations, p. 3 with four lines; p. 4 blank, p. 5 with notations by Beethoven in 3 1/2 lines (above) and 5 lines (below), p. 6 with 5 lines in the middle, p. 7 with musical notations and the last p. with 10 lines of text.
Item Information
Material Type
Contrapuntal studies
Record Number
Previous Owners
Louis Koch
Auction Information
Auction House
Hassfurther (Vienna)
Lot Number
Bibliographical Reference
BJ auction index 1985-1995BJ 10/2 G. Kinsky, Katalog der Autographen-Sammlung Louis Koch, Nr. 55.
Date of Sale
Sold to
Pricing Information
Treasures Tracking
Estimate Price
500,000-700,000 A.S.
Sale Price
600000 A.S.
Sale Price in U.S Currency