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Debra Hansen

Debra Hansen
Debra Hansen

Course: INFO 200, Information Communities (formerly LIBR 200, Information and Society)

Course Material: Currently, there is no required textbooks for LIBR 200. Faculty are free to choose their own required text and recommended readings. The most popular text, however, is R. E. Rubin's Foundations of Library and Information Science. In fact, this fall [2013] semester, all 16 LIBR 200 sections required the Rubin text. It is available through or Barnes & Noble at a cost of $75. 

In the coming spring [2014] semester, we will be revising LIBR 200 and developing a set of common lectures that all faculty will use. In conjunction with the shared lectures, we will also create a common set of requred readings that will be used in all sections of the course. Our plan is to create a set of open-source readings that represent the cutting edge literature in our field. These readings will be available electronically, free of charge, and will consist of articles, blog posts, websites, and other contemporary resources, including various media.

Cost of Material: $0

Textbook: Foundations of Library and Information Science

Cost of Textbook: $75