Phone: (408) 924-4571
Course: RTVF 110, Media and Culture
Course Material: I have written three textbooks and have created ancillary materials for three additional texts, but I stopped doing that work a decade ago becasue I realized that, by the time the textbook made it through the production process, the information printed in them was stale. This is particularly important for media courses because the industry (and technology) evolves quickly.
I've tried NOT using a textbook by relying mostly on online content, but that isn't the best solution, either. Instead, what needs to be done is to provide students with key works by theorists as well as current, popular articles (for up-to-date examples) along with original workbook assignments sprinkled in to help with comprehension.
Cost of Material: $0
Cost of Textbook: $120–170 (depending on how many ancillaries they purchase)