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Rachael French

Rachael French
Assistant Professor
Rachael French
Biological Sciences

Phone: (408) 924-4894

Course: BIOL 145, Advanced Eukaryotic Cell Biology

Course MaterialAfter teaching this course for two years, I find that I use very little of the material available in the textbooks, as it is already somewhat outdated, present in a way substantially different from the way I teach, and interspersed with material that is irrelvant to the course. I propose to solve both problems (price and usefulness of the material) by developing a course reader that includes selected appropriate readings from the primary literature, limited selections from the textbooks indicated below, as well as review articles that present the relevant information. 

Cost of Material: $80

Textbook: Genes X and Molecular biology of the Cell

Cost of Textbook: New, $337; used, $180