Course: English 100A - Writing Competency
Course materials include the new Textbook Alternatives Project grant-funded reader, "English 100A Reader." Designed to fit the needs of English 100A students, the reader is available in both print and online formats.
Cost of Material: $18.00
Cost of Textbook: The new reader replaces a traditional $48.00 textbook.
Comments: The Digital Reader allows students to use mobile devices to read the text in an interactive way as the links align with both in-class and out-of-class (Canvas embedded) assignments. It also enables students without a mobile device to download a PDF and engage in the same interactivity on their home computers. One great aspect of the Digital Reader is that I can update the content even when we modify/change assignments from semester to semester or even during the semester because I used links to my own blog and website thus enabling me to modify content while keeping the original Reader content intact.