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Library's Hours:

Print, Copy, Scan

Printers in King Library

Wepa printer

There are Wēpa print stations on the 1st, 3rd, and 4th floors. You can print both black & white and color prints from any public-access computer, email, Canvas, the cloud, your laptop, and mobile devices. The print stations on the 3rd and 4th floors can also scan documents.

For more information, see Spartan Print Stations with Wēpa and Print Stations and Locations.

How to Print (with videos)

There are several ways to print from a Wēpa print station:

This video tutorial from UC Riverside gives a great overview of using Wēpa printers:

Paying for Printing (with videos)

Prices for printing when paying with your Tower ID: 

Black & White: 15¢ per page for single-sided prints and 23¢ per page for double-sided prints. 
Color: 46¢ per page for single-sided prints and 71¢ per page for double-sided prints. 

Prices when paying by another method:

Black & White: 19¢ per page for single-sided prints and 27¢ per page for double-sided prints. 
Color: 50¢ per page for single-sided prints and 75¢ per page for double-sided prints. 

You can pay for printing with your Tower ID, a credit or debit card, an online Wēpa account, or a Wēpa print card.  For more information, see Wēpa Payment Methods.


Printing from Microform Machines

  • You may print from the microform (microfilm/microfiche) machines in the King Library Lower Level.
  • Printing from the microform machines costs 25¢ per copy.
  • The printer will copy only what is within the rectangular borders on the reader's page.
  • Microform machines accept coins and bills only.
  • You may store and save scanned microform documents a USB drive using the computer that is connected to the microform reader.


There are copiers on the Lower LevelGround Floor2nd Floor3rd Floor, and 4th Floor. Color copying is available on the Ground Floor. You can also scan and print copies of documents at the Wēpa print stations on the 3rd and 4th floor.

Black & white copies cost 20¢ a page; color copies costs 45¢ a page for single-sided copies and 80¢ a page for double-sided copies.


The Wēpa print stations on the 3rd floor near the reference desk and the 4th floor right outside the Tech Training Center can also scan documents. You can print your scanned documents or save them to a cloud service such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Office 365, or Box. Scanning and saving to the cloud is free. 

See the Wēpa Scanner support page for more information. 

Accessibility Services

  • Library staff will copy or print a reasonable number of items for persons with disabilities
  • Patrons with disabilities may be asked to leave selections for later copying when there is no time for extended individual attention
  • Request printing & photocopying services at any library service desk.
    See Department & Services Contacts