If you need to find the full text of an article, the button will usually help you find it in our online or print collections. However, the system does not always work perfectly. Here are some troubleshooting suggestions:
Check to see whether the article has been posted online via Google or Google Scholar. Tip: Put the title in quotation marks to make your search more focused (for example, "Climate Change.")
Try the Journals search on the front page of the library website to search for the title of the journal, not the article. If we have the journal, this search will show you which database you can use to access it. Be sure to check the dates. We may have the journal, but not the date you need. Older journals may also be found in print in the Lower Level of the library.
If we do not have the article in our online or print collections, we can usually get it for you via Interlibrary Loan. Do not pay for individual articles - you are already paying for access with your SJSU tuition.
If you cannot get access to full text but think that you should be able to, look for the link at the bottom of the Find It box that says “Report a problem.” Clicking this link will send you to a form that allows you to report the issue.
If you need help, Ask a Librarian!