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I am looking for a specific article

I am looking for a specific article

If you have the article title, and perhaps the author, you can probably find the article you're looking for. Start with a Google Scholar search on the library's home page:Screenshot of Google Scholar search link

Type in the article title in quotes (only use quotes if you're 100% sure you have the title correct). For example, "The beard movement in Victorian Britain." If you have the authors' last name(s), you can add that, too, but not between quotes. You will likely then find a full citation in your search results:OneSearch Find It example

To the right, you may see a Find It @ SJSU link. Clicking this link takes you to the full text article, if it is available in the library databases.

If this doesn't work and you know what journal the article is in, use the Journals search. This time, type in the title of the journal (not the title of the article) and click the search button.

Screenshot of Journals search link

You may see multiple results for that journal. If we have the journal, it will show up as either a print volume, a digital volume, or both. If the record states [Online access], then it is available online. The other records will show print or microform availability. Click on each record to see the dates that we have access to. Sometimes the library will have the journal you need, but not the year you are looking for.

If the library does not have that journal in our collection, then you can request the article through Interlibrary Loan.