APA format is commonly used in the social sciences. In APA, you will cite information in two ways: in the body of your paper (in-text citations) and at the end of your paper (the References page). Here are some resources to help you cite in the correct APA style:
There are several ways to find citations using online tools. DO NOT TRUST THESE CITATIONS! Garbage in, garbage out. You should always double-check what you find to make sure it is the correct format and correct information. That being said, machine-generated citations are often a good source for the basics, such as title, author, and publication date.
After running a search, click on the title of the article or book you are citing to open the record. In the record, you will see a Citation link above the title.
After running a search, click on the Cite link below the description.
Many library databases offer a cite option, and this option will appear usually after opening an article record. Here is an example for where to look in an EBSCO database: