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I am looking for a textbook for my class

The King Library collects some but not all textbooks. You will find the titles that are available on the Textbooks Available as Ebooks in the Library ListThis list is updated the first week of each semester and usually has a hundred or more titles. These ebooks are free to use and can be read on your computer, tablet, or phone.

Another option is Course Reserves. Sometimes professors put copies of their textbooks on reserve in the library. You will find these copies at the 1st Floor help desk. These textbooks are available for checkout for a limited time, usually from two hours or up to two days. This allows you to read your assignment without having to buy the book.

You can also try a search on the title of the book in OneSearch on the home page of the library website.Screenshot of OneSearch tab of search box

Tip: Put the title of the textbook in quotes (for example, "Managerial Accounting") to get the most targeted results. And limit search results to "Books".  

If you find your textbook, be sure it is the same publication year as the one listed in your syllabus. Sometimes the library may have the right title, but it will be very out of date.

If we do not have a copy of your textbook for checkout: 

  • Check CSU+ . CSU+ lets you borrow books from other California State University libraries. The loan period for a book from CSU+ is 60 days.
  • Learn more about affordable options for buying your textbooks at Affordable Learning Solutions .
  • Buy or rent your textbook through the Spartan Bookstore.