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I am looking for peer-reviewed articles

Peer-reviewed articles are written by experts and reviewed by other experts—their peers—before they are published. It is a type of quality control. Peer-reviewed articles may also be called scholarly or refereed.

You can find these articles using the library's Articles search.Screenshot of Articles+ search link

When creating your search, put phrases in quotes ("climate change") and join your search terms with a capitalized "AND."DIY OneSearch articles search

To the left of your list of results, look for the Peer-reviewed journals filter. Check this box then click Apply Filters. The articles in your list will now all be from peer-reviewed sources.DIY peer review filter

Some articles are freely available online, which is called "open access." These articles will have Get PDF and Read Online links that will take you to the article. However, most articles require a journal subscription. To read these articles, click the Full text available link under the article title.DIY full text available link

This will take you to a list of library databases that provide access to the article. You may see one or several databases in the list, as in the example below.Screenshot of climate change article record in OneSearch

This article is available in both the Nature and the EBSCO Academic Search Complete databases. Clicking on the name of either database would take you to the same article. When opening a database, you'll be asked to enter your student ID number and SJSUOne password.

Watch this short video to see a search in action and learn ways to make your results more specific.